Wednesday 29 October 2008

muslims need to be hung for this crap....

yeah thats right i said it... i went there i did it...

a muslim man is suing tesco for making him allegedly work with alcohol.

he apparently had no idea that tesco sold alcohol. he worked with them for 8 months and had no idea they sold alcohol. he worked at a distribution depot and didnt see the huge crates labelled beer.

so now he's out there in the tribunals working his way to a compensation package for religious discrimination.

he'd managed to visit asda, lidl and sainsbury's, but not tesco. and i doubt he had any reservation buying food from a place that sold alcohol.

he apparently asked to be removed from this and be placed with other duties - your wage would still have come from a company that sold alcohol.

i raised this question before - how possible is it to earn a true halal income in the west? yeah there are jobs where you can. but for example - taxi drivers. you take people a to b but then if the people are going to a nightclub/bar your making it possible for them to go there and sin. you know they're going there for that reason at 11pm. its been openly debated in mosques all over. you open a shop selling grocery foods, and unless you've read every single ingrediant, checked every label its impossible to say wether the stuff your selling is halal. and similary if you work at asda/tesco/sainsbury's you might be stacking those cans of tuna on the isle's but your wages do come from alcohol. thats the appeal to some people, go in - get the bread, get the biscuits and grab a case of beer, and if that beer wasnt there chances are they would go else where.

i hope the tribunal do throw this case out. there should be religious awareness at work. the cross wearing woman at heathrow should never have been dragged up. but taking the piss isnt religious awareness.

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