Saturday 29 November 2008

Why division needs to be looked over...

such a sad state of events over in mumbai at the moment with the terrorists running amok.

i'm sure i'm not the only one who has been glued to the tv regarding this.

with so many dead and so much international outrage there's going to be an incredible fall out as a result of this in the south east asia area. most notably pakistan and how they react. at the moment they're playing ball with the chief of pakistan's secret service going over to assist. but how the long time ball game is played is another question.

whoever is responsible - most likely islamic kashmiri militants. things need to change. they should've changed when they bombed islamabad and their hotel. they know that the prestigious targets such as political figures are unreachable. so now they're going after the soft targets and those soft targets arent military or govermental. they're the innocents going by their lives doing their thing.

for india's sake i hope the thunder that is being asked for to reign upon such groups is quick and conclusive.

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