Saturday 20 September 2008

Authority. bleurgh!

authority noun (authorities) 1 a the power or right to control or judge others, or to have the final say in something;

Why do people have such an issue with the above?

Either they hate the people with it or they go crazy when they're given it.

You can never find a good inbetween. Cops - notoriously on a perma-trip. A few guys messing about with each other last night and out pulls a under-cover police car and they begin searching them. All this stuff about them wanting to fight crime is rubbish. they have only ever turned up once a crime is done and dusted. they're more crime investigation than crime prevention. so they catch a lucky break once a while but in truth they've fully isolated themselves from society. the criminals didnt want to know them in the first place and now good honest citizens are turning their backs on them too.

increasingly they choose to go for the statistics to make them look good rather than going after people they know are doing the crime. we all know so and so is a well known drug dealer, that so and so sells stolen items but for the sake of due process they are left alone.

admins. they also get the power trip award. very rarely do you get admins on message boards who allow something to flow. you'll be having a nice debate about something - maybe controversial but nothing will be offensive. then all of a sudden ugghhhhhhh i'm an admin this is not acceptable. delete delete delete warning warning warning.

people sometimes need to chill out and let things just flow. stop being so big brother, we dont need supervision. we just want to live - dont want to bug anyone else dont want to rob anyone.

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