Saturday 20 September 2008

Permanent Education?

At what point do we stop educating people?

not kids - but people, adults, fully grown.

Some people are just so ignorant its shocking. A woman in a full niqab set-up walked past the bar i was doing security at, a local hoodie who was drinking there came up "hey yo, bro, your muslim arent you?" yeah why? "well can i ask you something that dress she's wearing. why she wearing it? cause i heard that the man makes her wear it like her husband or boyfriend." no no mate its islamic. a woman in islam is meant to be covered from head to toe and that is what they use to do that. "but mate i know plenty of asian girls they dont" some girls are religious and some arent. its a choice thing.

so he carried on and on - then i walked away leaving him talkin to my protestant collegue who was still trying to get through to him that it was a religious choice. some people who strictly observe religion will wear it and those that arent strict wont. "but you know what i still think its her man that makes her wear it. if it was me i'd be like yo check this i've got a fit wife. you might want her but she's mine"

my collegue again pointed out that its for that reason - to stop the sin of lust she wears that. "na man thats just wrong. i can understand if she wore it in afganistan pakistan or iraq but she can wear what she wants in the uk"

cue the head slamming into the table motion.

some people just are incredibly ignorant. kudos for actually asking but whats the point of asking if your not actually going to listen and learn from the answer.

no doubt he went away none the wiser and one day he's going to go to a girl wearin a niqab and ask her the same question. or worse still. actually take it off and find its actually a ninja.

sometimes we all have to accept that there will be people that no matter how much you talk to them, how much you explain to them - they still wont understand.

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