Tuesday 23 September 2008

The unspoken Do I know You?


here's the scene. you've got your freedom. your 18. its university time and being the freedom seeker you are you go away from home. close enough to commute yet far enough to validate a room at the student halls. finally you can do your own thing, drink as much as you can and party 24/7 with who ever you want.

Your out and about in this new city. Enjoying the sights and sounds. Come on Pav lets go to Bar Label. so you saunter off with the crew in tow - slightly giddy as the drinks been flowing all evening.

Theres a small queue to the enterance, the door staff are checking for ID's... so you take your driving licence out and you wait. as the crowd clears you see a horrifying sight. it cant be. you left your town because of this. the heart sinks faster than bush's opinion polls. the doorman. no please no. please god dont let it be. but you cant be sure. not 100%. the most horrifying thought to an asian. do you know me?

its not bad when your 100% that way you can go over and do damage limitation. you can go over chat to them and think yeah its cool. he's here and i'm here we've had a chat we've got some mutual understanding goin on. ok i'm a lil tipsy but hey he's working at the club too.

but when your not 101% thats when its rabbits in the headlights. you dont want to go over and make yourself known. if he is the person you think he is then your damned. you've just made it known that so and so's daughter/son is in such a place drunk and with members of the opposite sex at 12am. with this scenario your even more damned as your not on a level with this person so smooth things over.

but you cant leave things as it is - your dreading the next few days. your thinking if that person was so and so then the next time you see him - he might mention it or hint at it. if its gonna be someone you aint gonna see for time - then your just thinking please let him forget...

so this happened to me tonight. i'm pretty sure i know who she was, due to be engaged to a distant relative of mine. the worst thing was when it came to ID checking the other doorman got her so i wasnt able to confirm 101% if it was who i thought it was.

I probably wont mention it... but come on i wouldnt be me if i didnt torture the other person a lil...

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