Saturday 4 October 2008

Palin pt 2

so the VP debate is over with it was really good.

why the hell they dont do these things in the uk is beyond me. this was a real good ol slugfest.

palin was alot better than most expected and that sorta negated anything biden could say or do. everyone was waiting for a royal eff up and it never came. she wasnt fantastic but she wasnt exactly poor. biden had to be top game to stand against that. and he was.

i think for that sake they should hold another debate - this time everyone will know that palin wont mess up. so they'd be expecting answers on par with biden.

it was poor of her to constantly not answer the questions... so gov palin what colour is the sky? well what i'd like to go back to is alaska for a second... gov palin where is the white house? i think the main issue here is that mccain is a maverick. gov palin did you just piss of the extremists in pakistan? what we need to see here is the bigger picture here this isnt bush we're talking about.

but tis all good. shame we wont be seeing her much more either as the mccain camp dont want her doing too many interviews. she was given a lightweight like couric and she still complained she was being nailed.

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