Sunday 14 December 2008

A lil rant...

do not come to my work and expect any favours just cause i'm asian or muslim!!

fuck sake i really wanted to do a number on this dickheads face the other night

he came to the club - i let him in - he was being a lil wanker then but i thought his mates are ok so i'll allow it

he goes for a ciggie break and walks off to another bar where he causes some beef - they've got the same security company as us and the bar is owned by the same company

their doorman comes over dont let this guy back in he's being a wanker - yeah no probs

so we tell him sorry lad cant let u back in - oh i get it comes the reply - asian man sucks white mans dick.

oh fuck sake not this again.

yeah yeah whatever.. then he starts doin the whole bro thing etc bro pls shake my hand. i dont wanna shake ur fucking hand piss off ur doing my head in..

come on bro shake my hand man. fella move away i'm not gonna tell you again. so he be's an arse and says or what?

so i push him away. push me again and i swear i'll do a fucking number - so i did and he nearly fell over.

he started doin the whole he dissed me by pushing me your a dead man come on i'll fucking take you down you fucker.

fuck sake. your 18. your pissed and if this wasnt a student night i wouldnt think twice about stepping over your face. so the other doorman pulls him back. bro bro he's an asian how could he push me like that?! isnt he a muslim!? why doesnt he shake a muslims hand?!

mate if you cant respect yourself at least respect your religion! call yourself a muslim and look at you pissed up and talking about islam

its days like that i wish i could drag him into the club to fuck him over.

cocky lil southern piece of shit.

the worst thing is if i was white and didnt let him in. he'd be the first to go around saying it was because i'm a racist and didnt want asians in the club.

its guys with attitudes of his kind that fuck things up for the asians who wanna live and let live

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