Sunday 2 November 2008

Lil wee bushie is crying...

boo hoo

dubya and his staff are apparently sad.

they've not been able to spend the last 100+ days of their residency at the white house doing stuff to cement their legacy. you, stuff like stopping a war, making peace, solving world hunger, helping out the global environment and of course helping the yankees win the world series - they really wanted to do the last one...

so whats he sad about? really?

White House staffers, who believe Bush's reputation has been unfairly maligned for a series of calamities -- from the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to the financial crisis -- that were beyond his control and that he handled well. GOP nominee John McCain's escalating attacks on Bush's tenure have added to the irritation, these people said.
aaaaaaaaaaaaah so he well handled them - but they werent his fault... ok ok so i'll give him 9/11 that was some loonies fault. but surely the financial crisis was partially his fault. he could've reversed or stopped the motions clinton had set into place

and how has he handled it well?! post 9/11 has been nothing but a disaster - its ruined him - single handedly

even if he left the economy intact and in great shape - the hatred for the reactions of 9/11 have been nothing short of detrimental.

i can see his point though about legacy. Reagan had the communist/iron curtain battle and won that. his dad had the gulf war, clinton had cigars and popularity. he's got nothing. nada zilch.

not even his own party wants to know him - where's the i'm the president of the united states and i support john mccain rallies?

A Washington Post-ABC News tracking poll last week put Bush's approval rating at 24 percent and found that McCain had made little headway in separating himself from Bush or his policies.
all this spells nothing but bad news for mcsame and the republican party - the disection of this defeat 2008 has already begun amongst the upper levels of the party...

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