Tuesday 4 November 2008

one thing we're all forgetting - the goodbye to the axis of evil...

surely we have to do that too?

say goodbye to the infamous axis of evil? the current incumbant the 43rd president of the united states. Mr George W. Bush.

and this is how it was all 8 yrs ago.

onto the steps of lincoln memorial with ricky martin everything held so much promise. here was the guy to replace bill clinton, the man who saddled the white house with so much controversy. perjury, cigars and interns. dubya was the prodigal son who was finally doing something right - he'd set washington on a straight path...

it wasnt going too good a year into his residency, too many holidays, barely there to run the country then one fateful september morning...

wether you wonder what he thought as he sat in that classroom as he read with kids... this was his moment. 90% approval ratings. there was nothing he could do that the people wouldnt love him for it. except one thing. go to war. which is exactly what he did.

so off he went on his crusade. the first one was valid enough. afganistan - harbouring the worlds terrorists...

its been downhill after that.

doctored evidence for the wmd's, using up all his goodwill the americans got after 9/11, dragging a statesman like powell through the mud, too many publicity shots, too little results

his unpopularity got so bad that its forever tainted those that lined up with him. blair's ten year legacy as good as it could've been will forever been tainted by this. the french who chose not to align themselves with them have seen their world status raised.

whereas even kerry used clinton somewhat in his campaign - mccain kept him at arms length and made sure he was seen as little as possible with bush

he even hit the line with obama "i think you should've ran 4 years ago since your so keen on labelling your opponent bush."

8 years. 8 years of a very dark time in american history.

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